Only You Can Choose to Change

How likely are you to do something just because someone tells you to do it? And how likely are you to do it if it requires real effort that will make you uncomfortable? For most of us, the chances of us obliging to someone’s request is slim to none unless they’re an authority threatening us with severe repercussions.  That authority keeps us disciplined but often, that authority can be abusive, and we will soon rebel against them or at the very least resent them, so the outcome is not really change at all.

So how do we go about doing the difficult work of evolving ourselves? How do we take on the challenge and the discomfort that comes along with it? We are in control of ourselves and that is who we must change for. Even if we can’t immediately see it, there are consequences if we don’t face our trauma and faults and improve upon them. We may lose friends and loved ones, our jobs, and most importantly we will lose ourselves. We can either fight our demons and let them destroy us, (they are demons after all and can’t be killed) or we can befriend them and get to know them and in turn get to know ourselves more deeply. By befriending our demons and being kind to ourselves, our perceptions change.

The only authority that we abide by is the one from within. We have all faced adversity in our lives and more often than not we play victim to these obstacles rather than play victor. But today, you must choose to be the victor. We must power through and face challenges and traumas head-on. Evolution occurs only when there is adversity. We can either choose to adapt by choosing to change or we can resist and go extinct. The choice is yours.  

What demons must you face? Why do you want to change? How can you react differently? Take a breath and think about these questions before you respond to the obstacles that you face today. Remember, you can’t defeat your demons, but you can befriend them. Ask them what they really want and need.

All the love!